
How To Grow Buddha

how to grow buddha

Global Epic on Karma to Benefit World's First Museum of Buddhism and Yoga

Buddhism – Lord Buddha

(CHAKRA) Albert Einstein famously dubbed Buddhism 'the religion of the future' and several studies show Buddhism to be the fastest growing religion among Westerners all over the world. In addition, the PEW Forum has found that a 65% majority of Americans subscribe to Dharmic practices like yoga, meditation, karma and the number continues to grow in record numbers.


Buddha Grow Gal. by Roots Organics
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The Buddhist Assemblage will include the earliest original Indian depictions of all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Devas from the Gandhara, Gupta and Pala empires of  India  that inspired the majority of art all across  Asia  over many millennia. Be it Lord Buddha's own Footprint Buddhapada and His earliest aniconic representations of the Triratna and Dharmachakra – all over 2000 years old, a 4th century Gupta masterwork that reflects the glory of Nalanda; a large antique sculpture of the emaciated Siddhartha or the last full-size prayer bust of Amitabha in the trademark Black stone of the 8th century Pala Empire, the Museum will feature rare artworks unmatched by any other collection. It will also contain the earliest Indian depictions of Avalokiteshwara, Maitreya and Vajrapani and an unprecedented gallery dedicated to history's second most influential monk Bodhidharma – the founder of Zen Buddhism who himself resurrected to Amitabha's Pure Land.
Buddha Grow Qt. by Roots Organics
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In addition, the collection features the world's oldest and longest thangka in 24K gold showing the Indo-Tibetan influence; ancient scrolls of China's most famous Buddhist emperors, original art by Japan's all-time greatest Buddhist monks including Nichiren, Hakuin Ekaku, Obaku Kosen, Ikkyu Sojun, Otagaki Rengetsu, Takuan Soho and Samurai legend Miyamoto Musashi and masterworks by the greatest Buddhist painters in history such as Seeshu Toyo, Katsushika Hokusai and Ando Hiroshige who all inspired Europe's Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh and Obrist among others.

This monumental project is the brainchild of Zen Acharya (Sanskrit: Dhyanacharya) – the only Western acharya to share lineage with Indian Buddhist gurus such as Sariputra, Maudgalyayana, Bodhi Dharma, Nagarjuna, Asvaghosha, Buddhaghosha, Nagasena, Kumarajiva, Padmasambhava, Atisa and the like. The 'last of the Jedi Knights' so to speak, Zenji' hails from a direct line of Buddhist Brahmin sages that built dozens of temples near the Buddha's home in Magadha over a millennia ago and were appointed by the Palas of Bengal – the last Buddhist empire of India – to preserve Buddhist practices. In fact, the temples continued to honor the traditions of Shakyamuni, Amitabha, Lokeshwara, Vajrapani and Maitreya long after Buddhism disappeared from India and they carry the oldest figures of Dharmapala Nio that are seen today across Japan as Kongo Rikishi temple Guardians.
The temples also bear architecture similar to the greatest Buddhist centers Vikramashila and Nalanda where the monks taught and also contained a monastery for monks who brought Buddhism down the Silk Road to  China  from where it spread to other parts of  Asia . Moreover, the compound includes a cave for meditation similar to the one used by Bodhi Dharma at the Shaolin monastery of  China .

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